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When you’re in a busy public place, surrounded by crowds of people, there might be a lot on your mind. Like many of us, you might be shopping during the busy holiday period, or rushing from one place to another. Wherever you are, you deserve the peace of mind that comes with trusting in the care of the Local Authority, or another organisation such as a business, to ensure that you never come to any harm. Most members of the public travel between locations on their daily errands or special treats and are unimpeded by any misfortune. Most of us go our entire adult lives without being subject to any accident at the hands of another’s misaction or omission.

Public Liability Claims
Public Liability Claims

But what if, as you were struggling with heavy shopping, or swept along with moving crowds, keeping mind of small children near busy traffic or perhaps using public transport – you were tripped over by a badly broken paving stone? Or by a pothole, or a badly placed obstacle? Many outcomes could result from this situation, and not least of them is the public embarrassment of an undignified fall. Our clients have, in the past, had damage done to expensive personal affects like torn handbags or broken shoe heels. Some have lost or damaged shopping, or been subject to cuts and bruises. But in our experience, public liability claims are sometimes, unfortunately, brought about by more serious injuries. No few members of the public have suffered from broken bones, have fallen off the pavement entirely and become vulnerable to road traffic accidents or, chillingly, people who have a higher risk of physical injury such as the elderly and very young children have occasionally suffered from a permanent disability, or a serious head injury. There can be no doubt in our minds that when any injury or loss is suffered in an accident that wasn’t your fault, you are fully entitled to make a public liability claim for compensation, both for the physical expenses you’ve had incurred to you and for any pain or suffering you have been exposed to.

If you need to make a Public Liability clam, you can do no better than our team for reliability, professionalism and efficient work. We have maintained a reputation for outstanding customer service for over twenty five years. This reputation for specialism in public liability claims has never been more valuable than when we bring a case to justice that otherwise would see a member of the public suffer in silence from injuries resulting from the failure of a public body – a failure to do their jobs correctly, and a failure to care for their patrons – as is their responsibility. So contact our team today and discover the benefits of making a No Win,

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