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We are regulated by the Ministry of Justice and the ICO. We take our complaints very seriously. We are very sorry that you might be thinking of making a complaint. Please use the methods below to contact us and we will resolve your issue as soon as we can.

How We Handle Complaints

We will always acknowledge your complaint within 7 working days. We will always:

  • Tell you the name and contact details of the person handling your complaint.
  • Look into your complaints from start to finish
  • Resolve your complaints within 30 days
  • Tell you the contact details if your still unhappy
  • We will always keep your private details, private

We never COLD CALL

Simple Justice never call colds. If you have recieved any phone calls / messages / emails from anyone claiming to be from Simple Justice, then we would love to hear from you as we take this issue very seriously.

How To Complain

You can email us [email protected]
Or you can phone our main 0800 567 7072 number and ask for the manager.

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